Image Dreambox 800 Hd Pvr Clone
To present a case of photoreceptor degeneration associated with a benign Warthin tumor of the parotid gland. A 57-year-old man visited our clinic complaining of blurred vision in both eyes. His best-corrected visual acuity was 0.07 in the right and 0.04 in the left eyes. All components of the full-field electroretinograms (ERGs) were reduced in both eyes. The focal macular ERGs were extinguished in both eyes, which was consistent with the deterioration of the outer retina in optical coherence tomographic images. Positron emission tomography showed (18)F-fluorodeoxy glucose accumulation in the left parotid gland. Parotidectomy was performed, and the histopathology of the specimen had features compatible with a Warthin tumor without malignancy. Western blot analysis of the patient's sera detected an antibody against recoverin. In addition, the tumor tissue had an aberrant expression of recoverin. The findings in this case indicate that recoverin-associated retinopathy can develop secondary to a benign Warthin tumor.
Image Dreambox 800 Hd Pvr Clone
Available from UMI in association with The British Library. An iterative ray-trace procedure is developed in conjunction with semi-analytic expressions for spherical aberration, coma, and astigmatism in the reconstructed holographic images of underwater objects. An exact expression for the astigmatic difference is obtained, based on the geometry of the caustic for refraction. The geometrical characteristics of the aberrated images associated with axial and non-axial field positions are represented by ray intersection diagrams. A third order expression for the wavefront aberration introduced at a planar air/water boundary is given. The associated third order aberration coefficients are used to obtain analytic expressions for the aberrations observed in underwater hologrammetry. The results of the third order treatment are shown to give good agreement with the results obtained by geometrical ray tracing and by direct measurement on the reconstructed real image. The third order aberration coefficients are employed to estimate the limit of resolution in the presence of the aberrations associated with reconstruction in air. In concurrence with practical observations it is found that the estimated resolution is primarily limited by astigmatism. The limitations of the planar window in underwater imaging applications are outlined and various schemes are considered to effect a reduction in the extent of aberration. The analogous problems encountered in underwater photography are examined in order to establish the grounds for a common solution based on a conventional optical corrector. The performance of one such system, the Ivanoff Corrector, is investigated. The spherical aberration associated with axial image formation is evaluated. The equivalence of the third order wavefront aberration introduced at a planar air/water boundary to that introduced upon reconstruction by an appropriate wavelength change is shown to provide a basis for the compensation of aberrations in
Cloned pigs generated by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) show a greater ratio of early abortion during mid-gestation than normal controls. X-linked genes have been demonstrated to be important for the development of cloned embryos. To determine the relationship between the expression of X-linked genes and abortion of cloned porcine fetuses, the expression of X-linked genes were investigated by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (q-PCR) and the methylation status of Xist DMR was performed by bisulfate-specific PCR (BSP). q-PCR analysis indicated that there was aberrant expression of X-linked genes, especially the upregulated expression of Xist in both female and male aborted fetuses compared to control fetuses. Results of BSP suggested that hypomethylation of Xist occurred in aborted fetuses, whether male or female. These results suggest that the abnormal expression of Xist may be associated with the abortion of fetuses derived from somatic cell nuclear transfer embryos. PMID:25429426
Purpose: Corneal topography data expressed as corneal aberrations are frequently used to report corneal laser surgery results. However, the optical image quality at the retina depends on all optical elements of the eye such as the human lens. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the correlations between the corneal and total wavefront aberrations and to discuss the importance of corneal aberrations for representing corneal laser surgery results. Methods: Thirty three eyes of 22 myopic subjects were measured with a corneal topography system and a Tschernig-type wavefront analyzer after the pupils were dilated to at least 6 mm in diameter. All measurements were centered with respect to the line of sight. Corneal and total wavefront aberrations were calculated up to the 6th Zernike order in the same reference plane. Results: Statistically significant correlations (p
The daily solar cycle allows organisms to synchronize their circadian rhythms and sleep-wake cycles to the correct temporal niche. Changes in day-length, shift-work, and transmeridian travel lead to mood alterations and cognitive function deficits. Sleep deprivation and circadian disruption underlie mood and cognitive disorders associated with irregular light schedules. Whether irregular light schedules directly affect mood and cognitive functions in the context of normal sleep and circadian rhythms remains unclear. Here we show, using an aberrant light cycle that neither changes the amount and architecture of sleep nor causes changes in the circadian timing system, that light directly regulates mood-related behaviours and cognitive functions in mice. Animals exposed to the aberrant light cycle maintain daily corticosterone rhythms, but the overall levels of corticosterone are increased. Despite normal circadian and sleep structures, these animals show increased depression-like behaviours and impaired hippocampal long-term potentiation and learning. Administration of the antidepressant drugs fluoxetine or desipramine restores learning in mice exposed to the aberrant light cycle, suggesting that the mood deficit precedes the learning impairments. To determine the retinal circuits underlying this impairment of mood and learning, we examined the behavioural consequences of this light cycle in animals that lack intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells. In these animals, the aberrant light cycle does not impair mood and learning, despite the presence of the conventional retinal ganglion cells and the ability of these animals to detect light for image formation. These findings demonstrate the ability of light to influence cognitive and mood functions directly through intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells.
A case of lymphoma of T-cell derivation with aberrant expression of three B-cell lineage markers (CD19, CD20, and CD79a), which was diagnosed on a left axillary excision, is described. Immunohistochemical studies and flow cytometry analysis demonstrated neoplastic cells expressing CD3, CD19, CD20, and CD79a with absence of CD4, CD8, CD10, CD30, CD34, CD56, CD68, TDT, MPO, PAX-5, and surface immunoglobulin. Gene rearrangement studies performed on paraffin blocks demonstrated monoclonal T-cell receptor gamma chain rearrangement with no evidence of clonal heavy chain rearrangement. The neoplastic cells were negative for Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) or Human Herpes Virus 8 (HHV-8). At the time of diagnosis, the PET scan demonstrated hypermetabolic neoplastic cells involving the left axilla, bilateral internal jugular areas, mediastinum, right hilum, bilateral lungs, and spleen. However, bone marrow biopsy performed for hemolytic anemia revealed normocellular bone marrow with trilineage maturation. The patient had no evidence of immunodeficiency or infection with EBV or HHV-8. This is the first reported case of a mature T-cell lymphoma with aberrant expression of three B-cell lineage markers. The current report also highlights the need for molecular gene rearrangement studies to determine the precise lineage of ambiguous neoplastic clones. PMID:24066244
We study the way Lyot coronagraphs with unapodized entrance pupils respond to small, low-order phase aberrations. This study is applicable to ground-based adaptive optics coronagraphs operating at 90% and higher Strehl ratios, as well as to some space-based coronagraphs with intrinsically higher Strehl ratio imaging. We utilize a second-order expansion of the monochromatic point-spread function (written as a power spectrum of a power series in the phase aberration over clear aperture) to derive analytical expressions for the response of a ``band-limited'' Lyot coronagraph (BLC) to small, low-order, phase aberrations. The BLC possesses a focal plane mask with an occulting spot whose opacity profile is a spatially band-limited function rather than a hard-edged, opaque disk. The BLC is, to first order, insensitive to tilt and astigmatism. Undersizing the stop in the reimaged pupil plane (the Lyot plane) following the focal plane mask can alleviate second-order effects of astigmatism, at the expense of system throughput and angular resolution. The optimal degree of such undersizing depends on individual instrument designs and goals. Our analytical work engenders physical insight and complements existing numerical work on this subject. Our methods can be extended to treat the passage of higher order aberrations through band-limited Lyot coronagraphs by using our polynomial decomposition or an analogous Fourier approach.